Multinational Companies: Good or Bad?

Are multinational companies good or bad?

 Multinational Companies: Good or Bad?
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MNCs or multinational corporations have contributed a lot towards the Indian economy and the Indian society. MNC's have advantages as well as disadvantages. Advantages include goods at lower cost by helping in career growth and development and disadvantages are small industries are affected due to heavy competition with MNCs.

Multinational Companies: Good or Bad?

Multi national Compqamies are becoming more and more every day .With the growing economy the need to have more foreign investment for development is obvious. These Multi National Companies brings in that required investment to developing countries and helps the country to progress. But at the same time there are instances when the same Multi National Comapnies have become a danger to the developing country.

Let us take the case of auto mobile sector, we know the number of companies that have stakes in india. Honda was with Hero for a lng time, Kawasaki ws with Bajaj and Suzuki was with TVS. Together with the indian companies, these Multi National Companies helped to develop a market. It was mutual cooperation.

If hero helped honda to establish the reliabiity of the brand, Honda in turn took Heromotocorp into the new technologies of the auto mobile industry. Hence what has hapened is that the auto mobile sector got a boost and India has become a huge market for auto mobiles in the world.

Taking the negative aspects of Multi National Companies, we have the famous Plachimada issue of Cocacola. Cocacola, the soft drinks manufacturer had a unit in Plachimada and the company was indulging in ground water exploitation and even there were reports that Cocacola is not safe to drink.

So actually Multi National Companies have both the good aspects and bad aspects. In the modern economy where the whole world is becoming a single global village, we need to allow them to function for the development of the country. But at the same time the need to impose restrictions on them is essntial. We should never allow them to take over the rules as that may lead to a very dangerous situation. Just like a coin has both good sides and bad sides, Multi National Companies too have the same. It depends upon the side of the coin we choose.

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