10 Ways to Success by Swami Vivekananda

How to be successful in life - by Swami Vivekananda

10 Ways to Success by Swami Vivekananda
Image Source - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ASwami_Vivekananda_1893_Scanned_Image.jpg
Swami Vivekananda, a great educationist, has thrown light on every matter related to youth and unity. As a pathfinder he has solved every problem in a very patient manner. For this quality he became the idol of every youth around the world. Each one of us wants to become successful in life and for this Swami Vivekananda showed us the way. Let us see.

'Success' means the achievement of a desired dream or a goal. With this word success, so many other words are associated such as confidence, power, concentration, truthfulness, energy, courage etc.

To be respected in the society …..Success is inevitable.

To feel satisfaction in life …..Success is inevitable.

To be a leader in life …success is inevitable.

So let us see how Swami Vivekananda made this tough task easy for us by setting the guidelines--------

  1. Swami Vivekananda said—

“Go on bravely. Do not expect success in a day. Be steady, obedient to the cause of truth, humanity and your country and you will move the world.”

       2. “Infinite patience, infinite purity and infinite perseverance are the secret of success in a good cause.”

  3. “Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding.

Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later”

        4.”Obedience, readiness and love for the cause ----if you have these three, nothing can hold you back.”

         5.”A great tree is to be taken refuge in, when it has both fruit and shade.If, however, we do not get the fruit, who prevents our enjoyment of the shade? So, ought great attempts to be made, is the moral.”

         6.”This world is not for cowards. Do not try to fly. Look not for success or failure. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work on. Know that the mind which is born to succeed joins itself to a determined will and perseveres.”

         7.”Follow truth wherever it may lead you, do not be cowardly hypocritical. Perish in the struggle to be holy; a thousand times welcome death. Be not disheartened. When good nectar is unattainable, it is no reason why we should eat poison.”

         8.”Take courage and work on. Patience and steady work----this is the only way. Go on; remember patience and purity and courage and steady work …..So long as you are pure and true to your principles, you will never fail.”

         9.”Every successful man must have behind him somewhere tremendous integrity, tremendous sincerity, and that is the cause of his signal success in life.”

        10.”My idea and all my life with it and to GOD for help, to none else! This is the only secret of success.”

In our life if there are no hurdles then may be the word success would have no value at all. Difficulties and criticisms teach us more than praise.

 In the youthfulness we often lose patience and temper and that forces us to create mistake and suffer whole life for this. Swami Vivekananda teaches us to be patient, courageous, and honest towards all our dealings. All youth generation can follow these guidelines to lead themselves towards success or be successful in life.

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