Defining the terms Experience, Expertise and Exposure

Define Experience, Expertise and Exposure

Defining the terms Experience, Expertise and Exposure
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Understanding the terms, experience, expertise and exposure and striving to be better within the range of their meanings finding in which ways we need to fulfill our requirements is one of the most important things to do in our professional life. Lets discuss these three in detail.

The word experience has been derived from the Latin word, “Experientia” - act of trying. Experience indicates involvement in something over time. It’s an active involvement in an activity or exposure to events or people over a period of time that leads to increase one’s knowledge and skills. It is a direct observation or participation in events. Also, it’s a practical knowledge, skills, or practice attained through direct observation or participation in a particular activity, Say, it’s your job duties. To be more precise, the experience is nothing but the act or process of directly perceiving events acquiring knowledge or skills.

Experience, in relation to one’s life has to say something about his or her life experience. As you get older, you are wiser acquiring greater wisdom and experiences of life.

However, in regards to one’s professional life, experience is to be expressed generally with numbers, such as, Mr. X has had 5 years of managerial experience. The greater are the numbers, the more experienced is the person. But, it should not be understood in isolation, because it’s not necessary that someone who has had many years of experience in a particular field should be regarded as the one who has attained the expertise. This would lead us to discuss about the word Expertise.

Expertise has apparent roots in the word expert and the word expert comes from Latin, “expertus”. Expertise is the skills, knowledge or opinion possessed by an expert. The expert is somebody who has great deal of knowledge or skill, training or experience in a particular field or activity. An expert is a person who has, involves or displays special skills derived from training or experience. You are an expert meaning you are skillful and knowledgeable on the basis of training or experience in the relevant subject area. Further, it must be noted that both talent and ability of a person has a lot to do with his or her expertise, because expertise is a mixture of both ability and talent. Ability is a natural tendency to do something well – a high degree of intelligence or competence. Talent is nothing but something natural in a person. At this stage, it’s worth mentioning that expertise has nothing to do with numbers. It’s true also that expertise can be developed by means of experience as well. Nonetheless, not necessarily that someone is an expert because he has got so many years of experience. You would have seen people who spend years in doing particular activities, yet they don’t seem to have learnt new things.

As regards the word, exposure, it’s the fact or condition of being exposed. It’s an act of subjecting or an instance of being subjected to an action or an influence. It implies leading oneself to learning. Owing to the exposure, both experience and expertise are to be attained. It would thus be rightly said that the more you are exposed to new things, the more you are experienced leading yourself to gain expertise in your field.

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